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Every country has their own traditional food and this is an International Food Recipe blog which will include all Food Recipe from around the world. You might hear the menu but you don't know how to cook this blog will tell you what is ingredient and how to cook it. I also wish you enjoy your meal and hope this blog will help you to make a special meal for your family.


There are many Recipe around the world such as Japanese Recipe, Mexican Recipe, Malaysian Recipe, Korean Recipe, Australian Recipe, Singaporean Recipe, Vietnamese Recipe, German Recipe, Greek Recipe, Irish Recipe, Italian Recipe, Portuguese Recipe, Brazilian Recipe, Turkish Recipe, Thai Recipe, Czech Recipe, Swedish Recipe, Swiss Recipe and etc.

Thai Recipe : Haw mok

Thai Recipe : Haw mok

Haw mok is a rarity: a dish intended as an appetizer or snack. It is essentially a custard made from curried steamed fish. A non curried set of ingredients is included as an "afterthought", though to avoid repetition I won't repeat the method - I leave that to the experience and imagination of the lovers of bland food. In Thailand this is steamed in little cups made from banana leaves, pinned together with tooth picks, but you could just as well use ramekin bowls.

2 eggs
1 pound white fish (cod), cut into small bite sized chunks
5 tablespoon finely chopped phak bung (swamp cabbage)
6 tablespoon red curry paste
6 tablespoon finely chopped, freshly toasted peanuts
3 tablespoon finely chopped bai makrut (kaffir lime leaves)
6 tablespoon thick coconut milk
2 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoon corn starch
2 tablespoon prik ki nu daeng (red birdseye chilis) julienned

Mix all the ingredients but the peanuts, julienned chilis, phak bung and fish in a food processor. Line the bowls with the phak bung, then put the fish in the bowls. Stir the peanuts and chilis into the sauce mixture and pour over the fish. Leave a little expansion space at the top of the dish. Place the filled bowls in a steamer, and steam for 15 to 20 minutes (until the fish is cooked and the sauce has set into a custard like consistency).

Either serve the dishes 'as is' with the usual Thai table condiments, or for a more formal occasion, whip some thick coconut milk , and garnish each bowl with a couple of teaspoons of the whipped coconut milk and a slivered red chili.

Haw Mok (Fish Custard, Non-Chile Version)

4 egg yolks
2 cups coconut milk
2 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoon corn starch

Follow the instructions for haw mok, the normal version.
